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PHP - ZF2 - render template from string variable

i have problem with rendering template in ZF2, where template is in string in variable. There is simple example:

$template = "<div>easy</div>";
$view = new \Zend\View\Model\ViewModel();

$renderer = new \Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer();
$html = $renderer->render($view);

This code fail on rendering, the renderer think that the template is a path to file. And iam reallz not sure how to tell rendere its a string.

Thx for your time and respond.


  • You have to extend the PhpRenderer class and override the render method, in such a way that will use the string in the $template as the actual template:

    class MyPhpRenderer extends PhpRenderer {
    public function render($nameOrModel, $values = null)
        if ($nameOrModel instanceof Model) {
            $model       = $nameOrModel;
            $nameOrModel = $model->getTemplate();
            if (empty($nameOrModel)) {
                throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf(
                    '%s: received View Model argument, but template is empty',
            $options = $model->getOptions();
            foreach ($options as $setting => $value) {
                $method = 'set' . $setting;
                if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
                unset($method, $setting, $value);
            // Give view model awareness via ViewModel helper
            $helper = $this->plugin('view_model');
            $values = $model->getVariables();
        // find the script file name using the parent private method
        unset($nameOrModel); // remove $name from local scope
        $this->__varsCache[] = $this->vars();
        if (null !== $values) {
        // extract all assigned vars (pre-escaped), but not 'this'.
        // assigns to a double-underscored variable, to prevent naming collisions
        $__vars = $this->vars()->getArrayCopy();
        if (array_key_exists('this', $__vars)) {
        unset($__vars); // remove $__vars from local scope
        while ($this->__template = array_pop($this->__templates)) {
            $this->__file = $this->resolver($this->__template);
            try {
                if (!$this->__file) {
                   $this->__content = $this->__template; // this line does what you need
                  $includeReturn = include $this->__file;
                  $this->__content = ob_get_clean();
            } catch (\Exception $ex) {
                throw $ex;
            if ($includeReturn === false && empty($this->__content)) {
                throw new Exception\UnexpectedValueException(sprintf(
                    '%s: Unable to render template "%s"; file include failed',
        if ($this->__filterChain instanceof FilterChain) {
            return $this->__filterChain->filter($this->__content); // filter output
        return $this->__content;

    and then you code should look like:

    $template = "<div>easy</div>";
    $view = new \Zend\View\Model\ViewModel();
    $renderer = new MyPhpRenderer();
    $html = $renderer->render($view);