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Currency exchange for multiple currencies on different dates

I have a dataframe with amounts in different currencies on different dates, and want to create a new column showing the amount in GBP that it is equal to on that date.

For example my data may be as follows

data <- data.frame(
  date = seq.Date(from = as.Date('2017-01-01'), to = as.Date('2017-01-10'), length = 10),
  currency = c('EUR', 'GBP', 'USD', 'HKD', 'GBP', 'EUR', 'CAN', 'AUD', 'EUR', 'GBP'),
  amount = 1:10


However I would like a generic function to do this which would work no matter what date range and currencies are in the dataframe.

I'm pretty sure I would be able to do this using the getFX function in the quantmod package but can't quite work out the best way of doing it!

I'm sure this has been done before so any help would be appreciated.



  • With functions ?merge,?lapply and following the steps mentioned below:


    1) create currency pairs EUR/GBP,USD/GBP

    2) get FX data

    3) reshape/modify FX data

    4) merge with original data and calculate fx translated amount

    library("reshape2") #for melt function
    #replaced CAN by CAD for Canadian Dollar
    currDF  <- data.frame(
    date = seq.Date(from = as.Date('2017-01-01'), to = as.Date('2017-01-10'), length = 10),
    currency = c('EUR', 'GBP', 'USD', 'HKD', 'GBP', 'EUR', 'CAD', 'AUD', 'EUR', 'GBP'),
    amount = 1:10,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

    FX Data:

    #Set start and end dates
    startDt = as.Date("2017-01-01")
    endDt = as.Date("2017-01-10")
    #create currency pair combinations i.e. EUR/GBP, USDGBP 
    currCombinations = paste(setdiff(unique(currDF$currency),"GBP"),"GBP",sep="/")
    #get FX data for each currency pair and merge them into a single xts dataset
    #see ?lapply, ? and ?merge.xts
    #note auto.assign needs to be FALSE
    fxData =,lapply(currCombinations,function(x) 
    #            EUR.GBP  USD.GBP  HKD.GBP  CAD.GBP  AUD.GBP
    #2017-01-01 0.852550 0.810242 0.104474 0.602773 0.583503
    #2017-01-02 0.852550 0.810242 0.104474 0.602773 0.583503
    #2017-01-03 0.850220 0.814326 0.104987 0.606361 0.587630
    #2017-01-04 0.850310 0.815139 0.105102 0.609074 0.591082
    #2017-01-05 0.853695 0.810205 0.104480 0.610352 0.591940
    #2017-01-06 0.855625 0.808914 0.104311 0.610882 0.592583
    #2017-01-07 0.857335 0.813948 0.104951 0.614860 0.593995
    #2017-01-08 0.857330 0.813942 0.104951 0.614847 0.593990
    #2017-01-09 0.864095 0.819833 0.105707 0.619112 0.600639
    #2017-01-10 0.870830 0.822656 0.106077 0.622248 0.605533
    #remove .GBP from all columns above
    colnames(fxData) = gsub("[.]GBP","",colnames(fxData))
    #set conversion factor for GBP = 1
    fxData$GBP = 1

    Data Reshape:

    #create data.frame from xts data
    fxData_DF = data.frame(date=index(fxData),coredata(fxData),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    #To make fx dataset(wide format) amenable for merging with currDF
    #we convert it to long format by using melt from reshape2 package see,?melt
    fxMolten = melt(fxData_DF,id="date","currency","conversionFactor")
    #        date currency conversionFactor
    #1 2017-01-01      EUR          0.85255
    #2 2017-01-02      EUR          0.85255
    #         date currency conversionFactor
    #59 2017-01-09      GBP                1
    #60 2017-01-10      GBP                1

    Merged Data:

    #For each currency and date, we need a conversion factor hence
    #we merge both datasets by columns date and currency 
    fxMerged = merge(currDF,fxMolten,by=c("date","currency"))
    #calculate FX translated amount
    fxMerged$convAmount = fxMerged$amount * fxMerged$conversionFactor
    #         date currency amount conversionFactor convAmount
    #1  2017-01-01      EUR      1         0.852550   0.852550
    #2  2017-01-02      GBP      2         1.000000   2.000000
    #3  2017-01-03      USD      3         0.814326   2.442978
    #4  2017-01-04      HKD      4         0.105102   0.420408
    #5  2017-01-05      GBP      5         1.000000   5.000000
    #6  2017-01-06      EUR      6         0.855625   5.133750
    #7  2017-01-07      CAD      7         0.614860   4.304020
    #8  2017-01-08      AUD      8         0.593990   4.751920
    #9  2017-01-09      EUR      9         0.864095   7.776855
    #10 2017-01-10      GBP     10         1.000000  10.000000