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Aligning buttons in column in Red

I am brand new to Red/Rebol. I love it so far, I am experimenting with the GUI system.

I am trying to align some buttons in a vertical column so to speak.

This is what I have so far

    Red [ Title: "Editor"  needs: 'view]

    view [ size 800x600 title "Save Notes"
    t: text  ""
    a: area 500x500 black
    button "Click" [t/text: "Red is good !" ]  return
    text "" button "Close" [quit] return
    text "" button "Save" [save %notes.dat a/text t/text "Saved"]

This is what it creates, which I have annotated with what I am trying to do: enter image description here


  • Welcome to Red!

    In the VID dialect, the default direction where the next element will be put, is by default horizontal (across), so that a return will go to the next column. If you switch the direction to vertical (using below), then the next element will go in the next row, staying in the same column. So it gives you:

    Red [ Title: "Editor"  needs: 'view]
    view [ size 800x600 title "Save Notes"
        t: text  ""
        a: area 500x500 black
        below pad 10x0
        button "Click" [t/text: "Red is good !" ] 
        text "hello" button "Close" [quit]
        text "world" button "Save" [save %notes.dat a/text t/text "Saved"]

    Note: I just put some text into your empty labels, so that we can see them in the layout, and how they affect the positionning of the buttons.

    Have fun playing with it! ;-)