I am having trouble importing the data of the TPCH-Benchmark (generated with dbgen) into my monetDB-Database. I've already created all the tables and I'm trying to import using the following command:
COPY RECORDS INTO region FROM "PATH\region.tbl" DELIMITERS tuple_seperator '|' record_seperator '\r\n';
And I get the following error message:
syntax error, unexpected RECORDS, expecting BINARY or INTO in: "copy records"
I also found out this one on the internet:
COPY INTO sys.region 'PATH/region.tbl' using delimiters '|','\n';
But I get the following error message:
syntax error, unexpected IDENT, expecting FROM in: "copy into sys.region "C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\Uploads\region."
Because I'm a new monetDB user I'm not getting
What I'm doing wrong ?
Any help will be appreciate :)
The RECORDS construct expects a number, specifically how many records you are to load. I usually do this:
COPY 5 RECORDS INTO region FROM '/path/to/region.tbl' USING DELIMITERS '|', '|\n' LOCKED;
Also in the second attempt you are missing a FROM before the path to the file like
COPY INTO sys.region FROM '/path/to/region.tbl' USING DELIMITERS '|', '\n';
See here for more information: https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/Manuals/SQLreference/CopyInto