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Extract image sequence with only 1 color chanel out of rgb avi movie with VirtualDub

I have an uncompressed RGB AVI file which containes 10 greyscale images: (10 images)

With VirtualDub I would like to extract the images whicht should have only 1 channel. I all cases that I tried the images have always 3 channels.

How can that be done?


  • If you need to do this often your option is "export via external encoder" with VirtualDub FilterMod (rgb export was not possible with official VirtualDub)

    the preset below will save gray tiff sequence using ffmpeg (download ffmpeg.exe and replace path to it)

        "description": "VirtualDub external encoder profile collection",
        "externalEncoders": {
            "sets": {
                "tiff_gray": {
                    "videoEncoder": "tiff_gray",
                    "audioEncoder": "",
                    "multiplexer": "",
                    "description": "",
                    "extension": "",
                    "processPartial": false,
                    "useOutputAsTemp": true
            "profiles": {
                "tiff_gray": {
                    "name": "tiff_gray",
                    "program": "E:\\download\\vd\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg.exe",
                    "commandArguments": "-f rawvideo -pix_fmt %(pix_fmt) -s %(width)x%(height) -r %(fpsnum)/%(fpsden) -i - -pix_fmt gray8 %(tempvideofile)_%%04d.tif",
                    "outputFilename": "",
                    "type": 0,
                    "pixelFormat": "bgra",
                    "inputFormat": 0,
                    "checkReturnCode": true,
                    "logStdout": true,
                    "logStderr": true,
                    "bypassCompression": false,
                    "predeleteOutputFile": true