I have an uncompressed RGB AVI file which containes 10 greyscale images: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9wKP6yNcpyfY1JzdmJTcHhjTmM (10 images)
With VirtualDub I would like to extract the images whicht should have only 1 channel. I all cases that I tried the images have always 3 channels.
How can that be done?
If you need to do this often your option is "export via external encoder" with VirtualDub FilterMod https://sourceforge.net/projects/vdfiltermod (rgb export was not possible with official VirtualDub)
the preset below will save gray tiff sequence using ffmpeg (download ffmpeg.exe and replace path to it)
{ "description": "VirtualDub external encoder profile collection", "externalEncoders": { "sets": { "tiff_gray": { "videoEncoder": "tiff_gray", "audioEncoder": "", "multiplexer": "", "description": "", "extension": "", "processPartial": false, "useOutputAsTemp": true } }, "profiles": { "tiff_gray": { "name": "tiff_gray", "program": "E:\\download\\vd\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg.exe", "commandArguments": "-f rawvideo -pix_fmt %(pix_fmt) -s %(width)x%(height) -r %(fpsnum)/%(fpsden) -i - -pix_fmt gray8 %(tempvideofile)_%%04d.tif", "outputFilename": "", "type": 0, "pixelFormat": "bgra", "inputFormat": 0, "checkReturnCode": true, "logStdout": true, "logStderr": true, "bypassCompression": false, "predeleteOutputFile": true } } } }