I have some problem with an ANR files, I got a SUSPENDED lable in main thread,
somebody say the reason maybe GC , Debugger, infinite loop, so I have try Debugger and infinite loop, and I got the SUSPENDED , but the difference is when I use Debugger to get ANR, I got sCount=2 dsCount=1, and when I use infinite loop to get ANR, i got sCount=1 dsCount=0..
so What does it mean in an ANR file?
Following is the screenshot of the ANR
As you can judge from sources:
dvmPrintDebugMessage(target, " | group=\"%s\" sCount=%d dsCount=%d s=%c obj=%p
groupName, thread->suspendCount, thread->dbgSuspendCount,
thread->isSuspended ? 'Y' : 'N', thread->threadObj, thread);
So, to answer your question:
stands for thread->suspendCount
, dsCount
stands for thread->dbgSuspendCount