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Python curve fit with change point

As I'm really struggleing to get from R-code, to Python code, I would like to ask some help. The code I want to use has been provided to my from withing the mathematics forum of stackexchange.

I do understand what is going on. But I'm really having a hard time trying to solve the R-code, as I have never seen anything of it. I have written the function to return the sum of squares. But I'm stuck at how I could use a function similar to the optim function. And also I don't really like the guesswork at the initial values. I would like it better to run and re-run a type of optim function untill I get the wanted result, because my needs for a nearly perfect curve fit are really high.

def model (par,x):
    n = len(x)
    res = []
    for i in range(1,n):
        A0 = par[3] + (par[4]-par[1])*par[6] + (par[5]-par[2])*par[6]**2
        if(x[i] == par[6]):
            res[i] = A0 + par[1]*x[i] + par[2]*x[i]**2
            res[i] = par[3] + par[4]*x[i] + par[5]*x[i]**2
    return res

This is my model function...

def sum_squares (par, x, y):
    ss = sum((y-model(par,x))^2)
    return ss

And this is the sum of squares

But I have no idea on how to convert this:

 #I found these initial values with a few minutes of guess and check.
 par0 <- c(7,-1,-395,70,-2.3,10)
 sol <- optim(par= par0, fn=sqerror, x=x, y=y)$par

To Python code...


  • I wrote an open source Python package (BSD license) that has a genetic algorithm (Differential Evolution) front end to the scipy Levenberg-Marquardt solver, it functions similarly to what you describe in your question. The github URL is:

    It comes with a "user-defined function" example that's fairly easy to use:

    along with command-line, GUI, cluster, parallel, and web-based examples. You can install the package with "pip3 install pyeq3" to see if it might suit your needs.