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How to configure on-behalf-of authentication in multi-tenant environment?

I have a native client that calls a service I wrote-- that in turn calls the Graph API (using the original caller's credentials).

This is exactly like the 'onbehalfof' sample found here (my code fails the same way as the sample):

When logging in as a user from the same tenant as the service (tenant A), everything works fine (just like the onbehalf of sample). When logging in as a user from a different tenant (tenant B), I get an exception on this line in the service:

result = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(GraphResourceId, clientCred, userAssertion);

(this is line 153 from TodoListController.cs in the onbehalfof sample).

The exception is this:

AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID 'de2fb28b-83f8-419d-9b00-3fbce0a60bf4'. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.\r\nTrace ID: 6865c420-674a-4adf-a070-3d9b9c500200\r\nCorrelation ID: 7e088563-d7fe-4131-a05c-cbe04dbb2bbd\r\nTimestamp: 2017-03-29 22:56:58Z

The application id above refers to the service I wrote (which is the same line in the TodoListService in the onbehalfofsample).

I configured everything for multi-tenant authentication. But it's the additional call that my service is making to another service (Graph API) that's causing the problem. What additional configuration do I need to do in the Azure portal to make this work?


  • It's working now. I had to make two changes to get it working.

    First, on the service side switch to using "common" as the tenant. I had switched to common on the client but didn't realize you had to do this on the service side as well:

    <add key="ida:Tenant" value="common" />

    Second, change the GraphUserUrl on the service to the following URL:

    <add key="ida:GraphUserUrl" value="" />

    The original URL in the sample didn't work (at least for users in another tenant).