I run following query in MySQL :
SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE NOT Country='Germany' AND NOT Country='USA';
It returned me exactly the correct expected result.
After that I run following query :
SELECT * FROM Customers
WHERE NOT (Country='Germany' AND Country='USA');
This time it returned me all the records present in the table(result-set of the query SELECT * FROM Customers;
I'm not understanding why the NOT operator is not working in second query with parenthesis?
You can go to this link and check :
You got bitten by operator priority. Parentheses are your friend, you see.
WHERE NOT Country='Germany' AND NOT Country='USA';
actually means, since NOT has precedence over AND:
WHERE (NOT Country='Germany') AND (NOT Country='USA');
Since "NOT a=b" is "a!=b", this means:
WHERE Country!='Germany' AND Country!='USA';
which, as the others pointed out, looks muuuuch better like this:
WHERE Country NOT IN ('Germany', 'USA');
Now, next topic. This one:
WHERE NOT (Country='Germany' AND Country='USA');
Country can not be Germany and USA at the same time, so the stuff inside the () is always FALSE, so this equates to:
ie, you get your whole table.