As far as I know, both apktool and baksmali are able to produce smali code out of .apk (.dex) files, and apktool makes use of the dexlib2. They are both APK packing/unpacking tools
But still I am not clear what are the main differences between apktool and smali/baksmali. in temrs of functionality with .dex files and extended features?
PS: One of the difference that I just found out is that apktool is able to work with multiple dex files inside an apk while baksmali cannot (at least for the time being)
I did try to read the source code but due to the lack of experience, I could not really understand the working flow of both tools. I would really appreciate If anyone could suggest some readings or flow charts, etc.
Thank you!
smali/baksmali are an assembler/disassembler pair for the dex format. Baksmali takes a dex file and produces human readable assembly, and smali takes the human readable assembly and produces a dex file.
Apktool is a more general took for unpacking and repacking an apk. It actually uses smali/baksmali under the hood in order to assemble/disassemble the dex file. It also unpacks the binary resources and binary xml files back into the standard textual format, etc.