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GemfireTemplate workaround for Gemfire 9.0.1

Is there currently a workaround for making use of GemfireTemplate class when upgrading to Gemfire 9.0.1?

One of the upgrade requirements is changing all referencing from:

com.gemstone.gemfire to org.apache.geode

However GemfireTemplate dosen't appear to have a corresponding apache geode subclass:

Would it be possible to create a wrapper class to perform the same functionality?


  • Well...

    There is a version of GemfireTemplate (i.e. this) in Spring Data GemFire 2.0.x (Spring Data Release Train Kay), having a current Milestone 1 release (i.e. in the Spring Repos; NOTE: Milestones and Release Candidates are not published to Maven Central), which is based on Pivotal GemFire 9.0.0-beta.1.

    We are about to release (see April 3rd, if the date sticks) Spring Data Release Train Kay Milestone 2, which will include Spring Data GemFire 2.0.0.M2, which was upgraded to Pivotal GemFire 9.0.2.

    As for Apache Geode, there is Spring Data Geode 1.0.0.INCUBATING-RELEASE (here), which is based on Apache Geode 1.0.0-incubating, which has the same GemfireTemplate (this) for Geode.

    I am about to release Spring Data Geode 1.1.0.RELEASE, which will be based on the relatively new Apache Geode 1.1.0 (GA release, non-incubating).

    All of the resources you need to know about are here...

    1. Spring Data GemFire project page:

    2. Spring Data GemFire Wiki (Compatibility Matrix):

    3. Spring Data Commons Wiki (SD Release Trains; see right nav):

    4. Maven Central (SD Geode):
