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Python mask image pixels from a set of values

Provided an image with labels (the value of a pixel corresponds to its label), and the list of labels that are accepted, I am trying to create a "mask" image with 255 value if the pixels label is accepted, 0 otherwise.

I know that this is a slow approach as it iterates over the image at python-speed (but it demonstrates the idea well):

mask = numpy.zeros(labels.shape[:2], dtype = "uint8")

for i in xrange(mask.shape[0]):
    for j in xrange(mask.shape[1]):
        if labels[i][j] in accepted:
            mask[i][j] = 255

I know that it is much faster to use python slicing and masking, but I do not know how to compose a complicated condition. I still get a tremendous speed-up when I mask the pixels one-by-one accepted label, like so:

for value in accepted:
    mask[labels == value] = 255

Can I somehow make a one-liner doing what I want? My python knowledge is rusty (read: almost no python in the last few years), so while I tried composing this using some examples I found, this is the closest I got:

mask[(labels in accepted).all()] = 255

And in this case I get the following error: ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()

I've looked at similar SO questions ( or here and more) but they all seem to cover the cases where either the values are from a range or lower/higher than a threshold (<10) , or where the image slice to change is continuous.

Any suggestion on how check "is value among accepted values" would be great.


  • In the meantime, I found an acceptable-speed solution to my own question:

    mask = numpy.zeros(labels.shape[:2], dtype = "uint8")
    mask[numpy.in1d(labels, accepted).reshape(mask.shape)] = 255

    It consists in first using numpy.in1d to get a boolean array from the labels array, and check which ones are present in accepted (element-wise function of the python keyword "in").

    As this apparently necessarily returns a 1D array, even if it can be applied to a 2D array (it simply unravels the array), so I follow by using reshape() to make the boolean array dimensions correspond to that of the mask.

    Finally, I use this boolean array to index the required elements of mask and set them to a desired value.