Search code examples

How do I build a UK postcode area map in R?


I have count data by first 2 letter UK postcode in this form:

Postcode Count
BD       45
DE       123
L8       90

Desired output

I would like to create a postcode map using a shapefile based on the 2 letter postcode, and colour the map based on count, similar to this:

enter image description here

My question is, how would I be able to produce a map like this in R?


  • Is this what you had in mind? Make sure that you have a value for every postal code and that the column containing the name of each postal code is called name.

    # Generate dummy data
    dta <-
        name = c(
        value = rnorm(124)
    # Make sure your postal codes are stored in a column called name
    # Example:
    # dta <- rename(dta, name = name)
    # OPTIONAL: Depending on your data, you may need to rescale it for the color ramp to work
    dta$value <- rescale(dta$value, newrange = c(0, 1))
    # Download a shapefile of postal codes into your working directory
    # Unzip the shapefile
    # Read the shapefile
    postal <- readShapeSpatial("./Distribution/Areas")
    # Join your data to the shapefile
    postal <- raster::merge(postal, dta, by = "name")
    # Use the gray function to determine the proper black-and-white color for each postal code
    plot(postal, col = gray(postal$value))

    Map of the final result