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is it possible to make nant run a publish on web application project

is it possible to make nant run a publish on mvc project or a good old web application project
and after the publish make nant FTP the files to the web server

UPDATE: found the solution to the ftp problem
Nant ftp task thanks Paco

what i mean by publich
is there a command line application or nant task that can public like visual studio publish...


  • The visual studio publish command rebuilds your solution and then copies the files in the solution directory to a new directory. I use the following target to do almost the same:

    <target name="copyToPublish">
        <delete dir="${dir.publish}" />
        <mkdir dir="${dir.publish}" />
        <mkdir dir="${dir.publish}\wwwroot"/>
        <copy todir="${dir.publish}\wwwroot" includeemptydirs="false">
          <fileset basedir="${website.dir}">
            <exclude name="**/*.cs"/>
            <exclude name="**/*.pdb"/>
            <exclude name="**/*.csproj*"/>
            <exclude name="**/obj/**"/>
            <include name="**/*.*"/>
        <mkdir dir="${dir.publish}\database"/>
        <copy todir="${dir.publish}\database" includeemptydirs="false">
          <fileset basedir="${dir.databasescripts}">
            <include name="**/*.sql" />
                value="false" />
                value="false" />
        <move file="${dir.publish}\wwwroot\Web.config" tofile="${dir.publish}\wwwroot\Release.config" overwrite="true" />
        <delete file="${dir.publish}\wwwroot\Web.config" />

    Before this target you have to run the normal build procedure of course.