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How to start solr server in hybris 5.7 in standalone mode?

Unable to start solr server in hybris 5.7 so search is not working . How to start solr server in hybris 5.7 in standalone mode.


  • In hybris\bin\ext-commerce\solrserver\resources\solr\binrun solr start.

    Note that it's the path from version 6. The installation dir might be different, it is the location where the Solr installation bundle has been extracted.

    Take a look at the README in solr/server to have the details about the config,log dir etc...

    Also take a look at solr -help

    Usage: solr COMMAND OPTIONS where COMMAND is one of: start, stop, restart, healthcheck, create, create_core, create_collection, delete, version, upconfig, downconfig

    Standalone server example (start Solr running in the background on port 8984): solr start -p 8984

    SolrCloud example (start Solr running in SolrCloud mode using localhost:2181 to connect to Zookeeper, with 1g max heap size and remote Java debug options enabled):

    solr start -c -m 1g -z localhost:2181 -a "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=1044"

    Pass -help after any COMMAND to see command-specific usage information, such as: solr start -help or solr stop -help