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What's the replacement for Xcode's PackageApplication?

With Xcode 8.3 PackageApplication is gone. I did use it to convert an *.app package/directory to a *.ipa file (after re-signing):

xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v "" -o "MyApp.ipa"

Is there any replacement for this, so I can continue to convert .app to .ipa?


  • Apparently there is no need to use any other tool, and it's also not necessary to change the process that leads to the *.app package (in other words: no need to use xcodebuild -exportArchive).

    All we have to do, is to zip that *.app package:

    pushd "/build"
    mkdir ./Payload
    cp -R "$" ./Payload
    zip -qyr MyApp.ipa ./Payload
    rm -r ./Payload


    1. Jump into the target directory, here /build. This ensures we don't have the full path in the zip archive later.
    2. Create a folder named Payload (important, this cannot vary)
    3. Copy the *.app bundle to the Payload folder
    4. Zip the folder and instead of *.zip use *.ipa as extension
    5. Jump back to where you came from