I am making text files out of information from an existing excel file. Not all of the information in the excel file is supposed to be written in the text files, but I want my code to loop through the file and choose information from rows according to certain cell values.
Here is my code so far, however, when I run the code nothing happens and the text files are not generated. I do not get an error message either. Does anyone know what I am missing?
import xlrd
xlsfilename = 'Myexcelfile.xls'
book = xlrd.open_workbook(xlsfilename)
number_rows = 275
number_lines = 1
for row in range(number_rows):
for col in 1, : #Column where the cell value decides wether or not information in the row should be added to the text file.
value = book.sheets()[0].cell(row, col).value
if value == 19: #Rows where 19 is the cell value in column 1 is to be focused on.
txtfilename = 'Mytextfile' + str(row) + '.txt'
with open(txtfilename, "w") as f:
d={} #Creating a dictionary to for Subject number (see later in the code)
for line in range(number_line):
f.write("Subject number{1}") #The subject number should change for each row containing 19 is added to the text file.
for col in 3,:
val = book.sheets()[0].cell(row, col).value
s1 = str(val).ljust(1)
for col 9, 10:
val = book.sheets()[0].cell(row, col).value
s2 = str(val).ljust(1)
Any help is greatly appreciated! I am working in Python3.4.1
To write all the rows that include the string "19" in column 1 into the same text file, you can do:
import xlrd
xlsfilename = 'Myexcelfile.xls'
book = xlrd.open_workbook(xlsfilename)
number_rows = book.sheets()[0].nrows
number_lines = 1
column_target = 1
txtfilename = 'Mytextfile.txt'
with open(txtfilename, "w") as f:
for row in range(number_rows):
value = book.sheets()[0].cell(row, column_target).value
if value == "19": #Rows where 19 is the cell value in column 1 is to be focused on.
d={} #Creating a dictionary to for Subject number (see later in the code)
for line in range(number_line):
f.write("Subject number{1}") #The subject number should change for each row containing 19 is added to the text file.
for col in 3,:
val = book.sheets()[0].cell(row, col).value
s1 = str(val).ljust(1)
for col 9, 10:
val = book.sheets()[0].cell(row, col).value
s2 = str(val).ljust(1)
Basically, just move the file scope outside of the loop so that the same file can be reused for multiple rows.