There declared a Bool property in subclasses of RLMObject look like so:
@interface PhotoRealm : RLMObject
@property NSNumber<RLMBool> *isVoted;
- (id)initWithMantleModel:(PhotoModel *)photoModel;
In .m file ,I have implemented -defaultPropertyValues
to init like this:
+ (NSDictionary *)defaultPropertyValues {
return @{@"isVoted" : @NO};
In somewhere, I need to do something by jungle the bool value, but the result is not expected. Then, I write the following debug code:
if (photoRealm.isVoted) {
} else {
NSLog(@"%ld", (NSInteger)photoRealm.isVoted);
log as following:
[15:32:43] -[DTCollectionViewCell setupContentWithPhotoModel:] [306 line] isVoted [15:32:43] -[DTCollectionViewCell setupContentWithPhotoModel:] [311 line] 4646266992
in the meantime, the snapshot of realm file as so:
I'm stuck in here.
I think I has resolved it.
Actually, isVoted
is NSNumber, so the code should like this :
if ([photo.isVoted integerValue]) {
} else {
NSLog(@"%ld", [photo.isVoted integerValue]);