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reinitialize javascript with pjax on back button

Below "done" callback works well when button is clicked. But with browser back button, done callback is not called again.

        url: $this.attr("href"), 
        container: '#div-section', 
        push: true
}).done(function() {

is there some another way to fire other javascripts on pjax end other than done ( as it does not work )?


  • Found solution but there can be I guess only one such handler in page -

    $(document).on("ready pjax:success", function(){
            //initialize all javascripts here


    Above solution leads to dual bindings on pjax calls, once inside pjax:success followed by second time inside done event callback. To have bindings executed only one on back / forward or on pjax , we can do as below. In this case , globalEventDirection can be used to conditionally bind inside pjax:success leaving init to done in case button was clicked. But with back and forward button, init will be done inside pjax:success

        globalEventDirection = undefined;
        $(document).on("pjax:popstate", function(event){
                globalEventDirection = event.direction;
        $(document).on("pjax:success", function(event){
            if(globalEventDirection === "back" || globalEventDirection === "forward" ) {
                //reinitialize javascript                   
                globalEventDirection = undefined;