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Angular2 How to pass selected value to other component

Hi I am tryng to pass value selected from one of the options. I used ngModel to save the value but I can't figure out how to pass it to other component. Since they are connected but not nested, I couldn't use Eventemitter cause I reckon to use Eventemiiter, I should use child component's selector to nest the component in the parent component which I do not want to do.

These two components are seperated and I want to pass selected value to the other component? How can I achieve this?

Below is my code.

Component 1's template

    <select (change)="printValue()" formControlName="dogName"  
     [(ngModel)]="selected_dog" required> 

  <option *ngFor="let d of dogs" [ngValue]="d">

Component1's component

     selected_dog: string; 
     printValue () { 
     console.log (this.selected_dog)} // checked if the value is properly stored. 

And now, I want to pass 'selected_dog' value to Component2. Component2

     value1: string; //how to pass selected_dog value to component2's value1. 

I am not sure what to use ( eventEmitter, output/ input? / ng-content?)

I appreciate your help in advance.


  • I would suggest you to create a service and store the variable value, use the variable across those 2 components.

    export class AppMessageService {
        value1: string;
       constructor() { 
    setValue(data: string) {
     this.value1= data;
    getValue() {
     return this.value1;

    Inject the above service and use setValue to set the value in 1st component and getValue in the 2nd component.