I'm writing a function that, among other things, must print out an elapsed time counter. It receives by reference a start time _start
, and compares it to current
, both typed as time_t
. I want to use strftime()
to print out the observed time delta in ISO 8601 format. Here's what I attempted to do:
// Negative start time implies program has not begun
if (*_start > 0) {
time_t elapsed = current - *_start;
strftime(time_str, sizeof(time_str) - 1, "%T", localtime(&elapsed));
printf("%s\n", time_str);
And here is the output I get immediately after running the program
The seconds work fine, if I let it run longer they get incremented as expected, so do the minutes, however the hour starts as 01 as opposed to 00. Why is this happening? How can I get the hours to start zeroed, like the minutes?
typically (see edit) stores absolute timestamps (the number of seconds since midnight UTC, January 1, 1970). By calculating current - *_start
, you're getting elapsed time in seconds (as desired), but by then passing that to localtime
and strftime
, you're telling the computer to take the time elapsed since the start of your program and treat it as the time elapsed since midnight UTC 1-1-1970.
I'm guessing that happens to be 01:00:00 in your system's local time zone.
I'm not aware of a C99 function to print elapsed time, but it's not hard to write one yourself.
void format_elapsed_time(char *time_str, int total_seconds_elapsed) {
int hours_elapsed = total_seconds_elapsed / 3600;
int minutes_elapsed = (total_seconds_elapsed % 3600) / 60;
int seconds_elapsed = total_seconds_elapsed % 60;
sprintf(time_str, "%02i:%02i:%02i", hours_elapsed, minutes_elapsed, seconds_elapsed);
Edit: As @chux points out, time_t
doesn't have to store timestamps as seconds since 1-1-1970. See this answer for details.