Regarding macros, there's very few done with Impress (no record of macros, no Python scripting, only Basic etc.), and very few samples.
There's no sample how to create "manually" a text animation. I've found one here (6 years old) and there's a lot of information.
So far I've managed to (1) scan for a text animation "fadein" that is already there (2) scan for all other text animations, and then remove them an replace them by a clone of the "fadein" animation:
sub MyFunction
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' (1) scan for a text animation "fadein" that is already there
effectNodeFadeIn = Null
doc = ThisComponent
numSlides = doc.getDrawPages().getCount()
slide = doc.drawPages(numSlides-1)
mainSequence = getMainSequence(slide)
clickNodes = mainSequence.createEnumeration()
while clickNodes.hasMoreElements() and IsNull(effectNodeFadeIn)
clickNode = clickNodes.nextElement()
groupNodes = clickNode.createEnumeration()
while groupNodes.hasMoreElements() and IsNull(effectNodeFadeIn)
groupNode = groupNodes.nextElement()
effectNodes = groupNode.createEnumeration()
while effectNodes.hasMoreElements() and IsNull(effectNodeFadeIn)
effectNode = effectNodes.nextElement()
if effectNode.ImplementationName = "animcore::ParallelTimeContainer" then
if hasUserDataKey(effectNode, "preset-id") then
v = getUserDataValue(effectNode, "preset-id")
if v = "ooo-entrance-fade-in" then ' ooo-entrance-appear
effectNodeFadeIn = effectNode
end if
end if
end if
' useless loop just in case I need it:
animNodes = effectNode.createEnumeration()
while animNodes.hasMoreElements()
animNode = animNodes.nextElement()
' --------------------------------------------------------------------
' (2) scan for all other text animations,
' and then remove them an replace them by a clone of the "fadein" animation
if not IsNull(effectNodeFadeIn) then
clickNodes = mainSequence.createEnumeration()
while clickNodes.hasMoreElements()
clickNode = clickNodes.nextElement()
groupNodes = clickNode.createEnumeration()
while groupNodes.hasMoreElements()
groupNode = groupNodes.nextElement()
effectNodes = groupNode.createEnumeration()
while effectNodes.hasMoreElements()
effectNode = effectNodes.nextElement()
if effectNode.ImplementationName = "animcore::ParallelTimeContainer" then
if hasUserDataKey(effectNode, "preset-id") then
v = getUserDataValue(effectNode, "preset-id")
if v <> "ooo-entrance-fade-in" then ' ooo-entrance-appear
n = effectNodeFadeIn.createClone()
' useless loop just in case I need it:
animNodes = effectNode.createEnumeration()
while animNodes.hasMoreElements()
animNode = animNodes.nextElement()
end if
end if
end if
end if
end sub
function hasUserDataKey(node as Object, key as String) as Boolean
for each data in node.UserData
if data.Name = "node-type" then
hasUserDataKey = True
exit function
end if
next data
hasUserDataKey = False
end function
function getUserDataValue(node as Object, key as String) as Variant
for each data in node.UserData
if data.Name = key then
getUserDataValue = data.Value
exit function
end if
next data
end function
When I clone the effect, it's still "linked" to the original text and then the parent is removed and replaced by the "fadein" text. Any idea how to correct this?
It sounds like you have selected text inside of a shape, so use Basic code as follows:
Sub AddAnimation
xTextCursor = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Selection(0)
xText = xTextCursor.getText()
xText.TextEffect =
End Sub
Or in python:
import uno
from import FADE_FROM_BOTTOM
def add_animation():
oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
xTextCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.Selection.getByIndex(0)
xText = xTextCursor.getText()
xText.TextEffect = FADE_FROM_BOTTOM
For reasons not entirely clear to me, the result is Wipe rather than Fade In.
Documentation is at The ShapeHelper
class from that page is defined in