I am struggling on this for a week now. I need to write an elasticsearch query api in java with following combinations:
I want to have OR relationship within each group (e.g. price 0-10 or 11-15) but AND relationship among different groups (e.g. price 0-10 AND productType="clothing")
I have written the below code in Java, I have verified that the data exists for the range and filter I am testing with but I am getting zero resultset. I am not sure what is missing here.
public List<Shoppingi> search(SearchCriteria criteria, Pageable pageable) {
final NativeSearchQueryBuilder searchQuery = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder();
BoolQueryBuilder boolQuery = boolQuery();
// apply the text search
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(criteria.getSearchText()))
boolQuery.must(multiMatchQuery(criteria.getSearchText(), FIELD_NAMES_FOR_TERM_SEARCH));
// apply the term filters
BoolQueryBuilder termsQuery = boolQuery();
criteria.getFilters().entrySet().stream().forEach(entry -> termsQuery.should(termsQuery(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())));
// apply the range filters
BoolQueryBuilder rangeQuery = boolQuery();
criteria.getRangeFilters().forEach((key, value) -> rangeQuery.should(rangeQuery(key).gte(value.getLowerBound()).lt(value.getUpperBound())));
NativeSearchQuery query = searchQuery.build();
log.info("query: {}", query.getQuery().toString());
return elasticsearchTemplate.queryForList(query,Shopping.class);
I annotated the price object as index.no, which caused the query to not work. Once I re-indexed my data with price as non_analyzed, my code started working. So it was nothing wrong with the code above, it was the way I configured the variable I was querying against.