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Driving motors with image processing on raspberry pi

I have a question about processing the image while driving a motor. I did some researches, probably I need to use multiprocessing. However, I couldn't find out how to run two processors together.

Let's say I have two functions as imageProcessing() and DrivingMotor(). With coming information from imageProcessing(), I need to update my DrivingMotor() function simultaneously. How can I handle this issue?


  • In multiprocessing, you must create two process(process means program in execution) and must implement interproccesing communication methods to communicate process each other, this is tedious,hard and inefficient way .Multiproccesing less efficient than multithreading.Therefore I think you should multithread ,it is very efficient way ,communication between thread is very easy, you can use global data for communication.

    You shall create two threads, one thread is handle imageProcessing() ,and other thread DrivingMotor().Operating system handled execution of thread,Operating system run synchronous these threads.

    there is basic tutorial for multithreading below links