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How to implement exponential backoff/delay calculation with fixed timeout and number of attempts?

Most backoff/delay algorithms I've seen have fixed number of attempts OR fixed timeout, but not both.

I want to make exactly M attempts within T seconds, with exponential spacing between them, so that "T = delay(0) + delay(1) + ... + delay(M-1)", where "delay(N) = (e^N - 1) / e" (where N - retry number).

How to calculate "e" value in the description above, so that exactly M attempts will be made within overall timeout T (with M and T specified in advance)?


  • Since "T" is a monotonous function of "e", you can perform a binary search to find the best value that fits.

    Here's an example Python program to find such "e" given "T" and "M":

    def total_time(e, M):
        current = 1
        total = 0
        for i in range(M):
            total += current-1
            current *= e
        return total
    def find_best_e(T, M):
        a, b = 0, T
        while abs(a-b) > 1e-6:
            m = (a+b)/2.0
            if total_time(m, M) > T:
                b = m
                a = m
        return (a+b)/2
    e = find_best_e(10, 3)
    print([e**n-1 for n in range(3)])