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SendGrid email template style not applying

I'm using SendGrid PHP API to send Newsletter but when I use the template ID, the mail sended doesn't contain the CSS & image.

Here is my code :


$from = new SendGrid\Email(null, "");
$subject = "Hello World from the SendGrid PHP Library!";
$to = new SendGrid\Email(null, "");
$content = new SendGrid\Content("text/plain", "hello");
$mail = new SendGrid\Mail($from, $subject, $to, $content);

$sg = new \SendGrid($apiKey);

$response = $sg->client->mail()->send()->post($mail);
echo $response->statusCode();
echo $response->headers();
echo $response->body();


Hope someone will help me Thanks


  • Solved ! Just change $content = new SendGrid\Content("text/plain", "hello"); to $content = new SendGrid\Content("text/html", "hello");