i'm using the mod_auth_kerb module for kerberos authentication in apache.
Usernames have the format "User.Name" like here:
[authz_core:error] AH01631: user User.Name: authorization failure for "/site/":
I need the full Username in lowercase. The variable is %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER}
How can I rewrite the variable to lowercase with mod_rewrite? Or is there a better way?
Thanks for your help.
you can solve this with a auth_to_local Rule in your Kerberos-configuration like mentioned in http://comp.protocols.kerberos.narkive.com/fzcjz10b/auth-to-local-rule-to-convert-camel-case-principals-to-all-lower-case
auth_to_local = RULE:[1:$1](.*)s/A/a/g s/B/b/g s/B/b/g s/C/c/g s/D/d/g s/E/e/g s/F/f/g s/G/g/g s/H/h/g s/I/i/g s/J/j/g s/K/k/g s/L/l/g s/M/m/g s/N/n/g s/O/o/g s/P/p/g s/Q/q/g s/R/r/g s/S/s/g s/T/t/g s/U/u/g s/V/v/g s/W/w/g s/X/x/g s/Y/y/g s/Z/z/g
Maybe there's a more efficient regex, but I couldn't find one, because you may only use search/replace syntax.
Another way would be mod_map_user
Or you set up SSSD
Yours Tobias