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Superfluous buffers/inverters in synthesised netlist

This is another follow-up question to Combinatorial synthesis: Better technology mapping results.

This is my Yosys TCL control script:

yosys -import
set libfile osu018_stdcells.lib
read_liberty -lib  $libfile
read_verilog test.v
procs; opt
memory; opt
fsm -norecode; opt -full
techmap; opt -full
dfflibmap -liberty $libfile
abc -liberty $libfile \
    -script {+strash;ifraig;scorr;dc2;dretime;strash;&get,-n;&dch,-f;&nf,{D};&put}
write_verilog test_synth.v

The osu018_stdcells.lib file used is part of the Qflow version 1.1 package.

This is the test.v file:

module test (
    input rx_clk,
    input rxena,
    input rstn,
    input [2:0] d,
    output reg [2:0] q
  wire rx_rstn = rstn & rxena;
  always @ (negedge rx_clk or negedge rx_rstn) begin
    if (!rx_rstn) begin
      q <= 0;
    end else begin
      q <= d;

Yosys (version 0.5+ (git sha1 f13e387, gcc 5.3.1-8ubuntu2 -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -fPIC -Os)) produces the following test_synth.v output netlist:

/* Generated by Yosys 0.5+ (git sha1 f13e387, gcc 5.3.1-8ubuntu2 -O2 -fstack-protector-strong -fPIC -Os) */

(* src = "test.v:1" *)
module test(rx_clk, rxena, rstn, d, q);
  wire _0_;
  wire _1_;
  wire _2_;
  (* src = "test.v:5" *)
  input [2:0] d;
  (* src = "test.v:6" *)
  output [2:0] q;
  (* src = "test.v:4" *)
  input rstn;
  (* src = "test.v:2" *)
  input rx_clk;
  (* src = "test.v:8" *)
  wire rx_rstn;
  (* src = "test.v:3" *)
  input rxena;
  INVX1 _3_ (
  AND2X1 _4_ (
  INVX1 _5_ (
  INVX1 _6_ (
  DFFSR _7_ (
  DFFSR _8_ (
  DFFSR _9_ (

Obviously, there are 3 instances of the INVX1 cell, one for each of the three flip-flops in this design. I would have expected only one of these inverters and its driven net shared between the flip-flop CLK inputs.

In another design (with about 30 registers that are triggered off the falling clock edge), I have seen just one inverter but its output goes through one buffer per flip-flop, which is also not ideal.

Is there a way to get Yosys to combine/share these resources among the registers?


  • Is there a way to get Yosys to combine/share these resources among the registers?

    Simply run opt_merge after running dfflibmap.