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Qt QItemDelegate Commit data and close Editor on mouse leave the view widget (listView)

I had a problem with calling off the editor of my listView, when mouse left it. I have managed to solve my problem. It was not obvious to me, so I've decided to post my solution:

In delegate header file Ive created a editor widget pointer, and in constructor, I gave him the value Q_NULLPTR.

//in header file of Delegate
mutable QWidget *myCustomWidget;

//in the source file of Delegate
MyItemDelegate::MyItemDelegate(QObject *parent) : QStyledItemDelegate(parent),

then in createEditor:

QWidget *MyItemDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
myCustomWidget= new KontaktForm(parent);

return myCustomWidget;

in MyListView header file I've created a signal saveToModelFromEditor(); and emited the signal in

void MyListView::leaveEvent(QEvent *event)
emit saveToModelFromEditor();


The function to commitData to the model and close the editor, if someone wants it to close:

void MyItemDelegate::commitAndSaveData()

// after testing the UI I've decided, that the editor should remain open, and just commit data

emit commitData(kontaktForm);

//    emit closeEditor(kontaktForm);

Finally I've used signal and slot mechanism to connect signal from listView to slot in the editor


I had help from a different comunity (VoidRealms facebook group).

Hope this helps someone here.


  • In delegate header file Ive created a editor widget pointer, and in constructor, I gave him the value Q_NULLPTR.

     //in header file of Delegate
     mutable QWidget *myCustomWidget;
     //in the source file of Delegate
     MyItemDelegate::MyItemDelegate(QObject *parent) : QStyledItemDelegate(parent),

    then in createEditor:

     QWidget *MyItemDelegate::createEditor(QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
     myCustomWidget= new KontaktForm(parent);
     return myCustomWidget;

    in MyListView header file I've created a signal saveToModelFromEditor(); and emited the signal in

     void MyListView::leaveEvent(QEvent *event)
     emit saveToModelFromEditor();

    The function to commitData to the model and close the editor, if someone wants it to close:

     void MyItemDelegate::commitAndSaveData()
     // after testing the UI I've decided, that the editor should remain open, and just commit data
     emit commitData(kontaktForm);
     //    emit closeEditor(kontaktForm);

    Finally I've used signal and slot mechanism to connect signal from listView to slot in the editor


    I had help from a different comunity (VoidRealms facebook group).

    Hope this helps someone here.