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HtmlUnit, how to check if every asset was loaded?

I am using HtmlUnit for integration-testing.

In HtmlUnit, there is WebResponse::getStatusCode() for accessing HTTP_STATUS_CODE of currently loaded page. Let's say, my Page is "about", statusCode will be 200, usually.

I am wondering, if it is possible with HtmlUnit to check, if all required assets (*.css, *.js) were loaded successfully (200 <= statusCode < [300|400]).

In my use case, my tested page works fine - but a .css-file is missing, so the layout is broken. I would like to assert in my test-case, that each required assert can be loaded.


  • You can intercept all communication and store information about all assets.

    Something like:

    new WebConnectionWrapper(webClient) {
        public WebResponse getResponse(WebRequest request) throws IOException {
            WebResponse response = super.getResponse(request);
            URL url = request.getUrl();
            int status = response.getStatusCode();
            // store the status
            return response;