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How to reuse a method from another step definition class Appium/Cucumber/Java

Trying to reuse a method in another class, initialising the class like this:

public class SettingsStepDefs {
public Scenario scenario;

public AndroidBase androidBase;
public GenericStepDefs genericStepDefs;

public void before(Scenario scenario) {
    this.scenario = scenario;
    genericStepDefs = new GenericStepDefs();

and then later using the method


However i am getting a Null pointer exception on the line above.

The code in iTapDone() is functional, if I copy the line and use it on SettingsStepDefs, it works.

Thank you in advance.


  • You need to share an instance of GenericStepDefs between the steps. Since the variable genericStepDefs isn't set, you will get a NullPointerException.

    You seem to be using Spring since you use the annotation @Autowired. Look into sharing state with Spring for Cucumber. It is done by setting up Spring for Cucumber-JVM. The dependency


    is needed.