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Questions about parallel testing, need information about Cucumber, Selendroid, and Spoon

I need to implement a parallel testing feature to my tests, I found these three; Spoon, Cucumber(parallel-cucumber) and Selendroid(Selenium grid). But I searched for some information about them and I couldn't find it anywhere...

Spoon: Do it run in Webviews?

Cucumber: do it work with both UIAutomator and Espresso?

Selendroid: do it also run with UIAutomator and Espresso?


  • I'm not familiar with UIAutomator and Espresso but I am familiar with Cucumber.

    The steps you implement in Cucumber are regular Java methods. If you can use UIAutomator or Espresso from regular Java methods, then yes. You are able to use UIAutomator and Espresso with Cucumber-JVM.