Search code examples

parsing url with regular expressions and KRL's replace method

I want to take the current page's URL (using page:env("caller")) and extract a section of it.

For instance, I want to take

and assign


to a variable.

How would I do this with KRL?

I have tried

url = page:env("caller");
query = url.replace("http://www\.google\.com/search\?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=", "");

but it simply assigns the entire page:env("caller") to the variable query (e.g.

Edit: a jQuery solution would most likely work, as well.

Edit2: @JAM --

The select statement you posted doesn't seem to work. I tested it on and it didn't fire. Not sure if the URL doesn't match pageview or what (it looks like it should match to me).

The app I put it in:

ruleset a835x36 {
  meta {
    name "regex testing2"
    description <<
author ""
logging on

rule get_query {
    select when pageview "*(?:&|?)q=(\w+)(?:&|$)"    setting(query) 
      notify("Query",query) with sticky = true;

Also, I'm looking for a more robust way to get at the query, since Google has many ways to land on a search results page with URLs that won't look like For example, going to google and searching for cats just gave for the URL of the results. I guess I could parse anything with a regex, though...


  • 2 Ways to accomplish what you want.

    1) In the pre block

    pre {
      queryInURL = page:url("query");
      q = queryInURL.replace(re/.*?q=(.*?)(?:$|&.*)/,"$1");
    • page:url("query") grabs the entire string of parameters in a url
    • do string replace to capture specific query parameter that you want

    Full Example App Tested

    Tested on url ->

    alt text

    ruleset a60x439 {
      meta {
        name "url query test"
        description <<
          Getting the query from the current page URL
        author "Mike Grace"
        logging on
      rule get_query {
        select when pageview ".*"
        pre {
          queryInURL = page:url("query");
          q = queryInURL.replace(re/.*?q=(.*?)(?:$|&.*)/,"$1");
          notify("Query",queryInURL) with sticky = true;
          notify("q",q) with sticky = true;

    2) In the rules selection expression the way JAM has shown