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bitwise NOT of signed and unsigned integers in C

I was debugging an issue and figured out that the following snippet(sanitized) was the reason for the issue.

uint64_t testflag = 0;
testflag &= ~(0x08ul); //bug 
testflag &= ~(0x08l);  //expected 

I compared the generated assembly and see this

  uint64_t testflag = 0;
804851e:    c7 45 d8 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x28(%ebp)
8048525:    c7 45 dc 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,-0x24(%ebp)
  testflag &= ~(0x08ul);
804852c:    83 65 d8 f7             andl   $0xfffffff7,-0x28(%ebp)
8048530:    83 65 dc 00             andl   $0x0,-0x24(%ebp)
  testflag &= ~(0x08l);
8048534:    83 65 d8 f7             andl   $0xfffffff7,-0x28(%ebp)
8048538:    83 65 dc ff             andl   $0xffffffff,-0x24(%ebp)

Why does the NOT operator of unsigned long cause the compiler to AND 0 with the higher bytes instead of ffffffff.

My gcc version is gcc (GCC) 4.9.2 (Red Hat 4.9.2) on a 64bit machine.


  • Assuming 32-bit unsigned long/long...

    uint64_t testflag;

     0x08ul     --> 00 00 00 08
     ~(0x08ul)  --> FF FF FF F7
    some_uint32_t = FF FF FF F7 
    testflag &= some_uint32_t;
    testflag = testflag & some_uint32_t
    testflag = testflag & (uint64_t) some_uint32_t
    testflag = testflag & (uint64_t) FF FF FF F7  (or 4,294,967,288)
    testflag = testflag & 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF F7 

    Converting a 32-bit unsigned to uint64_t is a simply 0 extend.

    Now with ~(0x08l)

     0x08l      --> 00 00 00 08
     ~(0x08l)   --> FF FF FF F7
    some_int32_t  = FF FF FF F7 
    testflag &= some_int32_t;
    testflag = testflag & some_int32_t
    testflag = testflag & (uint64_t) some_int32_t
    testflag = testflag & (uint64_t)  FF FF FF F7 (or - 8)
    testflag = testflag & FF FF FF FF FF FF FF F7 (or 18,446,744,073,709,551,608)

    -8 as a uint64_t is very nearly the maximum value for uint64_t.
    With 2's complement, the result is the sign bit of OP's long is extended. @Marc Glisse