I'm trying to return data from family
in the following structure:
returns parent and child data all together, like:
My attempts so far with connect by prior
results in the error:
ORA-01436: CONNECT BY loop in user data
I suspect, but I'm not certain, that should be using connect by level
instead, but each of my attempts with that fails.
What am I doing wrong? How can I achieve my desired format?
with parents
as (
select *
from view_sot sot
where sot.tree = 'parent'
and sot.xmode = 'E'
as (
select *
from view_sot sot
where sot.tree = 'child'
and sot.xmode != 'E'
as (
select parents.srn psrn,
parents.cand pcand,
parents.ayrc payrc,
parents.mod_code pmod_code,
parents.mark pmark,
parents.grade pgrade,
parents.xmode pxmode,
parents.mavo pmavo,
parents.mod_name pmod_name,
parents.prg_code pprg_code,
parents.tree ptree,
children.srn csrn,
children.cand ccand,
children.ayrc cayrc,
children.mod_code cmod_code,
children.mark cmark,
children.grade cgrade,
children.xmode cxmode,
children.mavo cmavo,
children.mod_name cmod_name,
children.prg_code cprg_code,
children.tree ctree
from parents
inner join children on parents.srn = children.srn
and parents.mod_code = children.mod_code
and parents.ayrc = children.ayrc
and parents.cand = children.cand
and parents.mavo = children.mavo
where parents.srn = 'A012345678'
select psrn,
from family connect by prior cmod_code = pmod_code
Many thanks
Without any context or data in your question, I just built a silly example - is this what you want?
with family as
(select 1 as id_num, 'Jay-Z' as the_name, 'parent' as who, 2 as family, 0 as parent_id from dual
union all
select 2 as id_num, 'Beyonce' as the_name, 'parent' as who, 2 as family, 0 as parent_id from dual
union all
select 11 as id_num, 'Blue Ivy' as the_name, 'child' as who, 2 as family, 1 as parent_id from dual
union all
select 11 as id_num, 'Blue Ivy' as the_name, 'child' as who, 2 as family, 2 as parent_id from dual
union all
select 22 as id_num, 'Upcoming Twin #1' as the_name, 'child' as who, 2 as family, 1 as parent_id from dual
union all
select 22 as id_num, 'Upcoming Twin #1' as the_name, 'child' as who, 2 as family, 2 as parent_id from dual
union all
select 33 as id_num, 'Upcoming Twin #2' as the_name, 'child' as who, 2 as family, 1 as parent_id from dual
union all
select 33 as id_num, 'Upcoming Twin #2' as the_name, 'child' as who, 2 as family, 2 as parent_id from dual)
select lpad('.',level*3-3,'.')||the_name
from family
where ((level = 1 and who = 'parent') or (level = 2))
connect by prior id_num = parent_id
order siblings by the_name;
...Blue Ivy
...Upcoming Twin #1
...Upcoming Twin #2
...Blue Ivy
...Upcoming Twin #1
...Upcoming Twin #2
I'm unclear as to if you have multiple rows per child (one row per child per parent).... but hopefully this syntax will at least guide you.