Using Apache 2.2.15, I'm trying to set a ProxyPassMatch rule that matches the following request only when the "year" parameter is equal to 2015:
I know that the following configuration matches my request and works:
ProxyPassMatch /my-servlet/(.*)$ balancer://mycluster
But I want something like this, and it doesn't work:
ProxyPassMatch /my-servlet/(.*year=2015.*)$ balancer://mycluster
I have also tried other regex that match the request, unsucessfully:
ProxyPassMatch /my-servlet/.*year=2015.* balancer://mycluster
ProxyPassMatch /my-servlet/.*year=2015.*$ balancer://mycluster
I don't understand what's wrong with my configuration?
Excerpt from mod_proxy docs
The path is the name of a local virtual path; url is a partial URL for the remote server and cannot include a query string.
Didn't test it, but a possible workaround:
RewriteEnginge On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} year=2015
RewriteRule (.*) balancer://mycluster [P]
Let us know, if it did the job and even more so, if it didn't ;)