Greetings Professor Ignazio Palmisano,
Kindly i have a question in regards to owl-API V5
I have an owl ontology that contains some individuals and some defined classes (has equivalent axioms).
i add a new individual "X" as a subclass of Thing, and i add the individual properties.
i initialise the reasoner and precomputeInferences()
if the new individual "X" was classified under an existing defined class, i want to retrieve this inferred class and replace the current individual superclass Thing with the inferred superclass.
Main question:
1) Kindly what is the best way to do this?
Sub question:
2) do i have to save the new inferred ontology and then deal with it as asserted, in order to retrieve that class? i do not like to do this since my interest is only to replace the current individual superclass with the inferred superclass.
i was trying to find how to do this, i came across: EntitySearcher.getTypes(OWLIndividual, OWLOntology), however this retrieves only the original asserted superclass not the inferred.
Thanks for your time.
Sincere regards.
In order to replace the asserted class with the inferred one (or ones - there might be more than one), you need to do the following:
So, called r
the OWLReasoner
instance, i
the OWLIndividual
, t
its original type and T
the inferred type:
OWLOntology o = ...
OWLReasoner r = ...
// This returns the node of direct types - i.e., the set of equivalent classes that are the most specific named types including i among their instances
// This will always be a Node even for a single class. If the reasoner can infer that there are equivalent classes, they all will appear in the Node
Node<OWLClass> types = r.getTypes(i, true);
// remove existing type assertions
// add the new ones
OWLDataFactory df = ...
Stream<OWLAxiom> axiomsToAdd = types.entities().map(T->df.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(T, i));
Now o contains the new assertions in place of the old ones. Save or further elaborate the ontology as needed.