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How to set headers properly for suds soap client

I am trying to send a request to an api using suds client.

The request is formed like this:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v20="https://API">

I am sending the request for this like:

client = Client('https://wsdl', faults=False)

client.set_options(headers={'username': username 'authToken': auth_token, 'name': ''})

the error I am receiving is:

(<HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: 500>, (Fault){
   faultcode = "soap:Server"
   faultstring = "apiHeader should not be null"
   detail = ""

Is this how I should be sending the request? It is definitely something to do with the apiHeader I think; not sure what though, I get the same error using this:

username = Element('username').setText(name)
        password= Element('password').setText(pass)
        header_list = [username, pass]
        return self.client.service.getLoginDetails()


  • I've made this work by using something similar to this:

    from suds.sax.element import Element
    from suds.sax.attribute import Attribute
    code = Element('serviceCode').setText('PABB4BEIJING')
    pwd = Element('servicePwd').setText('QWERTPABB')
    reqsoapheader = Element('ReqSOAPHeader').insert(code)
    reqsoap_attribute = Attribute('xmlns', "")