I am using adobe flash cs6 for creating a desktop application. In that application iam using flash.filesystem.filestream to save a text file (I dont want to use FileReference because I don't want show the save dialog box ) When I call the new FileStream() in the exported .swf or .exe file, the app stopped running and it closes the window. here is my sample code while executing this line var fileStream : FileStream = new FileStream(); the window closed automatically but this code work fine in Preview mode ( ctrl + Enter) iam using Target: AIR 2.5; Script: ActionScript 3.0 in publish settings.
import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
public class SampleClass {
public function generateReport (text : String) : void
var fileMode:String = (FileMode.APPEND);
var fileStream : FileStream = new FileStream();
var file:File = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("sample.txt");
fileStream.open (file, fileMode);
fileStream.writeMultiByte (text, File.systemCharset);
fileStream.close ();
Is there any way to solve this problem ? Thank you very much!
I have no idea what content of text
is, but from that .writeMultiByte (text, File.systemCharset);
I assume you wanted to write non-English alphabetic chars?
Best just use .writeUTFBytes
since that handles both English & foreign alphabets.
Anycase... See if this code re-fix SampleClass.as
works for you (tested with no crashing .exe) :
import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class SampleClass extends MovieClip {
public function SampleClass ()
generateReport("test Chinese : 你好 世界 ... test Urdu : ہیلو دنیا ... test Russian : Привет мир");
public function generateReport (text : String) : void
var fileMode:String = "append"; //not... String = (FileMode.APPEND);
var fileStream : FileStream = new FileStream();
var file:File = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("sample.txt");
fileStream.open (file, fileMode);
//fileStream.writeMultiByte (text, File.systemCharset); //trying non-English chars??
fileStream.writeUTFBytes(text); //UTF is Unicode so can handle non-English chars
//trace("Text Done... check file \"sample.txt\" in Desktop");
} //end Class
} //end Package