I am using the Podio JS NPM module (podio-js) to update fields in my Podio app. However, I am having a problem where, rather than updating to the new value, the field simply empties... so it basically updates to null
. Furthermore, despite the fact that some sort of update does in fact take place (albeit the wrong update), the console.log()
s in the callback are never run - absolutely nothing logs to my console.
Here's the code as I am currently running it:
podio.isAuthenticated().then(() => {
let url = `/item/${podio_item_id}/value/customer-id`
let requestData = JSON.stringify({data: customer.id})
podio.request('PUT', url, requestData, (responseData) => {
console.log("made it")
In the docs provided at https://podio.github.io/podio-js/api-requests/, the example requestData
variable is defined like so:
var requestData = { data: true };
However, I found that using {data: customer.id}
in my code did absolutely nothing - I had to JSON.stringify()
it in order to get this to even come close to working.
In an earlier attempt at accomplishing this, I was able to successfully update Podio via AJAX from my client - the data attribute needed to be formatted like so:
data: JSON.stringify({'value': 'true'})
I have tried every conceivable iteration of the requestData
imaginable - stringifying it, stringifying it with additional single quotes (as in my working example), setting it like {data: {value: customer.id}}
, etc...
Absolutely nothing works - at best, the field simply empties, at worst there is no effect... and no error messages to help my identify the problem.
What is the proper formatting for a PUT
request to Podio via their JS SDK?
On a whim, I thought I'd try using superagent - the following code works perfectly:
.set('Authorization', `OAuth2 ${accessToken}`)
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.send(JSON.stringify({'value': `${customer.id}`}))
.end(function(err, res){
if (err || !res.ok) {
} else {
I used this exact formatting of the data in my original example as well, same problem as before.
What gives?
Got it - had to format my data like this:
let requestData = {'value': `${customer.id}`}
Also, it is worth noting that the callback function for the podio.request()
method does not seem to run using the notation described in the documentation. It's a promise, though, so you can treat it as one:
podio.request('PUT', `${url}/scustomer-id`, requestData)
.then((response) => {
//do stuff...