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Trigger TeamCity build on a specific BitBucket repo branch

I'm trying to trigger a TeamCity build using the REST API on a specific branch in a repository. However, it is always fetching the code from the master branch (which is the default one). Not sure where I am doing it wrong. Is there anything else I need to set up on the TeamCity to turn on this feature?

My curl is:

curl -v -u uname:pwd --request POST --header "Content-Type:application/xml" --data-binary @build.xml

And my build.xml is:

<build branchName="testBranch">
<buildType id="TestTc_TestTc"/>

I'm using TeamCity 9. Could anyone help me on where I am doing it wrong?


  • I have added "+:refs/heads/(*)" under Branch Specification in the VCS Root settings and it worked fine.