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Rails strong parameters, user require and get an hash

I have this method

def create_billing_address(data)
    address_data = data.permit(:first_name,
    service_customer.create_address(customer_id, address_data)

But now I want to check that all the keys are present. I tried to do this

address_data = data.require(:first_name,

But require return an array instead of an hash.

How can I do to have the same behaviour of permit but with require ?


  • require is only intended to ensure that the params have the correct general structure.

    For example if you have:

    params.require(:foo).permit(:bar, :baz)

    require lets us bail early if the :foo key is missing since we cant do anything with the request.

    require is not intended to validate the presence of individual params - that is handled with model level validations in Rails.

    If you really had to you could do:

    def create_billing_address!(data)
      keys = [:first_name, :last_name, :phone, :address_1, :city, :postcode, :country]
     keys.each do |k|
        raise ActionController::ParameterMissing and return unless data[k].present?
     service_customer.create_address(customer_id, data.permit(*keys))

    But thats just bad application design as you're letting the model level business logic creep into the controller.