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Typed Racket string->number how to convert result to integer

I am trying to convert a project over from Racket to Typed Racket and I am encountering some issues with the typing mechanisms.

string->number returns (U Complex False), but I cannot find any procedures to convert that (or even just a Complex) to an Integer.

A very short example that illustrates my issue:

#language typed/racket

(define die : Integer 5)

(define dlist '("1" "2" "3" "4" "5"))

(set! die (string->number (car dlist)))

Thanks for your help!


  • The result of string->number has the type (U Complex False), where a value of false means string->number failed to parse a number. In this case you know for sure that it won't fail, so you can just assert that it is an integer with (assert (string->number ...) exact-integer?):

    #lang typed/racket
    (define die : Integer 5)
    (define dlist '("1" "2" "3" "4" "5"))
    (set! die (assert (string->number (car dlist)) exact-integer?))

    I understand that it's supposed to be a simple example but try to stick with numbers and avoid strings if you can.