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Disabling UIButton not working

The solutions i'm finding on here use .enabled which is old, rather than .isEnabled.

So i'm currenting trying to just disable the functionality/clickability of buttons if a certain condition is (or isn't) met. So before it all I disable them all if a condition isn't met then if there on after (dynamically) it is met then it should theoretically enable. That being said, it is not initially disabling the buttons when I start off with .isEnabled = false.

I know the condition is being met because I have print statements and other tests (like labels being removedfromsuperview yet .isEnabled = false for the buttons isn't working. Anyone encountered said problems or have any solutions?

Code below:

override func viewDidLoad()
    trumpMoneyDefault.setValue(50, forKey: "TrumpMoney")
    //make all the buttons that shouldn't be clickable unlcickable
    locklvl2.isEnabled = false
    locklvl3.isEnabled = false
    trumplvl2.isEnabled = false
    trumplvl3.isEnabled = false
    lvl2.isEnabled = false
    lvl3.isEnabled = false

    //make level2/3 unclickable by defeault
    //lvl2.isEnabled = false
    //lvl3.isEnabled = false
    //update trumpmoney label depending on if they have enough cash
    //also here check if they have already unlocked all via purchase of unlock all. If so, then skip all this
    if trumpMoneyDefault.value(forKey: "TrumpMoney") != nil
        trumpmoney.text = trumpMoneyDefault.value(forKey: "TrumpMoney") as? String

        //remove locks if they got the money by default.
        let tempTrumpMoneyDefault = trumpMoneyDefault.value(forKey: "TrumpMoney") as! Int
        if tempTrumpMoneyDefault >=  100
            lvl2.isEnabled = true
            if tempTrumpMoneyDefault >=  500
                lvl3.isEnabled = true


  • Really? It should work.

    1.)This is how I disable a button and it's working.

    myButton.isEnabled = false;

    2.)Desperate way to disable button by disabling the user interaction.

    myButton.isUserInteractionEnabled = false;