I am using ZQ520, its already supports Unicode and I am loading the font as follows:
I can use the font to print Arabic as follows:
It works fine but when I use ^FB with ^FO, the Arabic letters get messed up and gets separated (In Arabic, they are connected), here an example:
^FO100,50^FB200,,,R,^CI28^AZN,0,25^FD ARABIC TEXT HERE^FS
so it seems that ^FB does not support the Unicode font. on page 187 of the manual its mention this
The ^FB command does not support complex text. For complex text support, use ^TB.
And 179
The Field Block (^FB) command cannot support the large TrueType fonts.
Is there a way around this? Because Arabic is right to left, so I am trying to make the text right aligned and multi-line as some strings are long.
I managed to print out word wrapping Arabic text using ^TB
using the following code. It may be useful to adapt for your own purposes.
arabic text here
Useful links:
TB command (some extra info compared to below link): https://support.zebra.com/cpws/docs/zpl/TB_Command.pdf
Please note that it states the ^TB
command must be issued after any ^Ax
(font selection) command
ZPL Manual: https://www.zebra.com/content/dam/zebra/manuals/en-us/software/zpl-zbi2-pm-en.pdf