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Load all layer information from OpenStreetMap

I'm trying to load all points of sertain layer from OpenStreetMap. But I can't find such command in overpass api. Is this even possible? All that I can achieve is all nodes from certain bounding box:

<osm-script output="json">
  <query type="way">
    <bbox-query {{bbox}}/>
  <recurse type="way-node" into="waynodes"/>
  <query type="node" into="nodes">
    <bbox-query {{bbox}}/>
  <!-- added by auto repair -->
    <recurse type="down"/>
  <!-- end of auto repair -->


  • OpenStreetMap doesn't have a "layer" concept in contrast to other GIS data.

    For loading all existing information you simply have to query for every element type, i.e. nodes, ways and relations. That's all. overpass turbo (a nice web frontend for the Overpass API) already does this by default when using the wizard.