I use https://github.com/jindw/xmldom and want check parseerrors on XML files. The documentation write it's necessary to overwrite locator + errorHandler on constructor of DOMParser.
But I can't find anywhere code example, how to use these in node context.
Documentation say:
//errorHandler is supported
new DOMParser({
* locator is always need for error position info
* you can override the errorHandler for xml parser
* @link http://www.saxproject.org/apidoc/org/xml/sax/ErrorHandler.html
//only callback model
This is the runable code:
var DOMParser = require('xmldom').DOMParser;
let mylocator = {};
let parseLog = {errorLevel: 0};
let parser = new DOMParser({
locator: mylocator,
errorHandler: {
warning: (msg) => {manageXmlParseError(msg,1,parseLog)},
error: (msg) => {manageXmlParseError(msg,2,parseLog)},
fatalError: (msg) => {manageXmlParseError(msg,3,parseLog)},
function manageXmlParseError(msg,errorLevel,errorLog){
if( (errorLog.errorLevel == null) || (errorLog.errorLevel < errorLevel)){
errorLog.errorLevel = errorLevel;
if(errorLog[errorLevel.toString()] == null){
errorLog[errorLevel.toString()] = [];
var doc = parser.parseFromString(
'<xml xmlns="a" xmlns:c="./lite">\n'+
console.info("parsestatus ==> " + parseLog.errorLevel + "\nlocator:" + mylocator.columnNumber + "/" + mylocator.lineNumber );