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Social Media sharing Buttons in Ruby on Rails

I'm trying to add custom social media sharing buttons in a blog app in Ruby on Rails. It is important for me that a pop-up window will show for sharing the "post" meaning I want to include Javascript.

Unfortunately this code does not work:

  <!-- Twitter -->
  <a oneclick="'<%= @post.title %> 
  by Martin Bortowski - &amp;url=<%= url_for([@post, {only_path: false}]) %>',
  '_blank', 'width=800, height=500, top=200, left=300');void(0);"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a>

  <!-- Facebook -->
  <a oneclick="'<%= url_for([@post, {only_path: false}]) %>',
  '_blank', 'width=800, height=500, top=200, left=300');void(0);"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a>

  <!-- Google Plus -->
  <a oneclick="'<%= url_for([@post, {only_path: false}]) %>',
  '_blank', 'width=800, height=500, top=200, left=300');void(0);"><i class="fa fa-google-plus"></i></a>

When I click on a button nothing happens. What I am missing? Can someone help me please? If you need further information just let me know.


  • There are number of gems available in ruby on rails for implementing social shairing feature below are few links
