I am installing revel using Bunch . I am getting below error:
installing github.com/revel/revel ... 2017/03/27 13:49:41 failed installing packages: failed building package github.com/revel/revel, error: # github.com/revel/revel
./revel.go:180: undefined: config.DEFAULT_SECTION
, output: %!s(MISSING): exit status 2 [exit status 2 github.com/dkulchenko/bunch/packages.go:234: failed building package github.com/revel/revel, error: # github.com/revel/revel
./revel.go:180: undefined: config.DEFAULT_SECTION
, output: %!s(MISSING) github.com/dkulchenko/bunch/packages.go:643: ]
Please help me with this and let me know how to resolve this problem.
Below is how my BunchFile look:
github.com/dkulchenko/bunch !self
github.com/revel/revel v0.13.0
github.com/revel/cmd/revel v0.13.0
Revel changed the CONFIG_DEFAULT variable name in github.com/revel/config/config.go
a while ago
You probably need to pin that repository at v0.13.0 also, presumably by adding this to your bunch file:
github.com/revel/config v0.13.0
You could also remove your pin of revel to v0.13.0 and get a more recent version.