I have code that gives a list of all possible values for any given enum
i bound it pretty often to dropdownlists in my webpages
now im trying to make a usercontrol which accepts the type name as a parameter, which in turn calls the code to create the value list
as my sub expects a type parameter
Shared Function EnumList(ByVal EnumType As Type) As List(Of ListItem)
Dim ret As New List(Of ListItem)
Dim consts = [Enum].GetValues(EnumType)
For Each c In consts
ret.Add(New ListItem With {.Text = c.ToString, .Value = c.ToString})
Return ret
End Function
im trying to turn the string used in the usercontrols declration into a type. the problem is i can only do it with system types (even non mscorlib, a bit clumsily). but for enums declared in my app_code, i cannot figure out the way to do it
the aqn makes some string with a funny code like this (AstroDate is the name of my class):
"AstroDate, App_Code.rujpwg3d, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"
but if i use it in the gettype, it errors
please advise
Edit here is the code in the usercontrol trying to get a list of the Enum
Sub RefillData()
Dim TempValue = Value
MainList.DataSource = EnumList(Type.GetType(EnumType, True, True))
If EmptyText <> "" Then
Dim itm As New ListItem(EmptyText, "")
End If
Value = TempValue
End Sub
"EnumType" is a string property passed in the declartaion of the usercontrol in the page.
heres the code
Dim ax = Reflection.Assembly.Load(ObjectType.Account.GetType.Assembly.FullName)
Dim tx = ax.GetType(EnumType)
Dim enumers = [Enum].GetNames(tx)
e.Result = enumers
objecttype.account is just any enum in my system, u can use whichever u want
thanks all for trying